Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday Prayer

Another Tuesday prayer from Erik. Again, if you are interested in using these prayers, please email him.

Tuesday prayer based on texts for the third Sunday in Advent:

Isaiah 35:1-10
Psalm 146:5-10 (8) or Luke 1:46b-55 (47)
James 5:7-10
Matthew 11:2-11

We are a people of faint hearts and feeble knees, Lord--
discouraged and saddened by reminders of mortality.
But you are near,
maker of heaven and earth,
watching over all those hungry or oppressed, sick or in need.
Your coming is our hope-- streams of new life in the desert of our dry hearts,
peace to calm our warring desires and fears,
new life out of a tortured death --
all of this begins in Bethlehem's smelly stable
when you, too, become weak, poor, hungry, fearful.
You know we need you, Lord. Come soon, and stay.

© 2007 Erik Doughty. Permission to reproduce this work is granted only when the author is credited.

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