I wrote this post originally back in 2009 on my political blog, NeoMugwump. Some things have changed since then, such as Washington State moving towards the legalization of same-sex marriage. In light of the upcoming vote this November in Minnesota to define marriage as between a man and a woman, I thought about digging up this post again. I still think those of us that support same-sex marriage are still making some of the same mistakes today.
Like many gay Americans, I awoke this morning to the news that Maine
voted for repealing a law allowing same sex couples to marry. I was
saddened by the fact. And like clockwork, a lot of my friends starting
saying bad things about the people of Maine and threatening not to spend
any money there.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the country,
Washington State approved a referendum that allowed domestic
partnerships in the Evergreen State.
The win apparent win in
Washington (which has seemingly been ignored among gays and our
supporters) has started me thinking about how to best allow gays
marriage rights. I've vacilated between calling for full marriage
equality and calling it a marriage, and asking for something like a
marriage ala civil unions. Yesterday's decisions has made me think that
it's time to change how we work for marriage rights.
think one thing that those of us who support same sex marriage have to
admit is that asking that straight America get used to two people of the
same sex getting married is a radical shift in how we think about
marriage and love. Yeah, I know, getting married is not radical, it's
as normal as two hetros getting married. But the fact is, that the
thought of two people of the same sex getting married is still something
that a lot of Americans can't get their heads around. It's not that
they are all closet bigots. They can understand and accept gays in
society. They can understand that gay people fall in love. But when we
start talking about marriage, it starts to get confusing for them.
Think about it for a moment. When the average Joe thinks about
marriage, they think about bridal gowns and bachelor parties. But all
of this is lost on most of us that support gay marriage. Listen to what
Conor Friedersdorf says:
the legalization of gay marriage really be a “radical redefinition” of
the social and cultural institution? Maybe same sex marriage is a
radical departure from marriage as understood by orthodox Christians, or
people for whom it is primarily a procreative union.
But I
submit that a majority of Americans subscribe to a definition that more
closely resembles the following: Marriage is the union of people who
fall in love with one another, decide that they want to spend the rest
of their lives together, and commit to do so monogamously. The
definition I’ve offered isn’t merely more commonly accepted among
Americans than whatever Rod Dreher would describe, it is perfectly
consistent with marriage laws as now written.
think Conor is off on a lot of points. For one, most gay marriage
supporters, myself included, think about marriage as a contractual and
legal mechanisim in addition to all the things about love and monogamy.
But I would argue that most Americans don't think about marriage in
such terms and focus on all the cultural aspects: the photos, the bridal
gown, the wedding ceremony and the like. All of that contractual stuff
is handled off to side usually after the wedding ceremony, where the
state certified officant and the bride and groom sign their marriage
license. It's an afterthought.
Second, if most Americans think
this way, then why has our side lost everytime the subject of gay
marriage comes up for a vote? If we won a few and lost a few, I could
agree but when we have lost each and every time, then we have to start
wondering what are we doing wrong.
I think that one way we can
advance the cause of gay marriage is by doing a few things: first,
redefining what victory means; second, listening to our opponents, and
three divorcing gay marriage from the civil rights movement.
off is redefining victory. What this really boils down to is lowered
expectations. It means pushing for marriage rights without using the
word marriage. I know that many will say that not pushing for full
marriage equality is rendering gay people to second class citizens and I
would agree. But I would respond by showing those losses again.
Thirty-one losses. Do we want half-a-loaf or none? The thing is, most
European countries went through a period of calling same sex marriage
for gays something else before marriage was made legal. The UK
currently has marriage rights, but they don't call it a marriage at this
point. Like Europe, I think most Americans are willing to give gay
couples some marriage rights but at this point can't rationally wrap
their minds around concepts like same sex marriage. I'm not saying that
we should never call gay marriage a marriage or stop pushing for full
marriage rights. But sometimes we have to find ways to make change
happen incrementally, rather than betting the farm and losing it in the
process. My own suggestion is that states like Maine and California
should be pushing for civil unions and domestic partnerships first, and
then move towards full marriage rights later down the road. Push for
something that is marriage, but just don't call it marriage. It's just
too emotionally charged.
Second, we need to listen to those that
voted against same sex marriage. Instead of automatically branding
these people as bigots, we need to understand why they voted against
these measures. I really doubt that the good people are of Maine are
all homophobes. But there has to be a reason they voted no. And let's
stop whining about the Catholic Church or the Mormons or the Masons, or
what-have-you. We need to find out what is keeping them from supporting
same sex marriage rights and then tailor future campaigns in light of
what these people say.
Finally, gay people need to stop linking
their movement with the civil rights movement. I'm sorry, but one size
of oppression doesn't fit all. I used to think that these two movements
were alike, but while their are some similarities, there are also a ton
of differences. As someone who is both African American and gay, I can
say there are big differences. Let's start with marriage. Yes, many
states in the South prohibited interracial marriage until the Supreme
Court struck it down in 1967. Gay rights supporters have tried to link
interracial marriage to same sex marriage, but the similarities are,
pardon the pun, skin deep. An interracial couple that wanted to get
married in say 1959 had no option to get married. At all. Also, you
have to add the whole stigma of the races mixing, especially when it was
a black man with a white woman. If the two were seen together in an
intimate setting, then you could be sure the black man might end up in a
noose a few hours later.
If two gay people are denied
marriage, we have options. They aren't perfect or desired, but they are
options. Also, there is less stigma attached to same-sex relationships
as there are to interracial ones circa 1959. It's not great for gay
couples, but it's not as dangerous either.
The other problem is
that many gay marriage activists tend to copy the history of the civil
rights movement using the courts to solve racial segregation. But
again, the similarities are cursory. For African Americans, the courts
had to be used be other venues of redress were not available. State
legislatures in the South were filled with segregationists, and Southern
Democrats made sure that civil rights legislation would come in its own
sweet time on Capitol Hill. The courts were the last venue for
For gay rights proponents, we too often want to head
to the courts first, even though the passage through state legislatures
is not as treacherous as it was for African Americans. African
Americans used the courts in the 40s, 50s and 60s because we had no
other choice. Gay Americans do have some choices.
Do I want to
see gay marriage become a reality? Yes. But I'm learning that we need
to learn to pick our battles and settle for partial victories on the way
to ending the war. I'm also learning that not everyone who is queasy
about gay marriage is a bigot ready to bash me. I'm learning that if we
want to get to a point where same sex couples can have equal marriage
rights, we are going to have to think and strategize and find the best
steps to get to that point even if it means gradual change.
Marriage is a worthy goal. Let's think about how best to get there.